Authorization for Entire Project:
- Click on Admin.
- Select Manage Permissions (you can also set permissions with the quick access tools on the top right side of the workspace)
- On the Permission Set-up Page, click on ADD Group or ADD USER button to select the group/user you want to set up the access rights and click on Add Group/Add User Button at the bottom of this pop-up window.
The Users/Groups added with the above step will now be listed under “Groups” and “User” tab. Assign the necessary access rights by enabling/disabling the options against each of the items (such as View, Watermark, Print Disable etc.) for the respective User/Group.
Click on Save.
Note: By Default, the permission set up at the project level will be applied to all the subsequent folders/sub-folders/file. If you want to set up custom permission for the file/folder, please follow the instructions below for Authorization for Individual Folders.
Authorization for Individual Folders (Custom Permission):
- Click on the folder to which you want to set up a custom permission.
- Click on Admin and then select Manage Permissions (you can also set permissions with the quick access tools on the top right side of the workspace). This will now bring up the permission interface (on the Main Workspace in the middle, you can also right click and select Permissions).
- By Default, the folder would inherit the permission settings of its Parent folder. Choose "NO" Under Inherit Permissions to break the inheritance. Once Inherit Permission option is disabled, the permission area becomes active and lets you assign the necessary permission (such as View, Watermark, Print Disable etc).
- Click on Save.
TIP: The "View Permissions" tool under Manage Users (available only to the Administrators) page can be handy to double check and verify the permissions set up.
* We recommend you contact your relationship manager or dataroom coordinator if you have any questions about setting up permissions.